Adam Wintle of Biogas Energy Partners (right) talks with Steve Woods, host of TideSmart Talk with Steveo.
Since launching BEP and our flagship project at Exeter Agri-Energy (EAE), I’ve been invited pretty regularly to talk about the project and how my path led me here. In August, I was invited to chat with Steve Woods, president and CEO of TideSmart Global as part of his radio show TideSmart Talk with Stevoe.
Our conversation runs the gamut from technical/biological aspects of anaerobic digestion (AD), to the success of AD facilities in Europe and what the future might hold for the industry in the US. If you’ve got a few minutes, I encourage you have a listen – Steve asks some great questions about what we’re doing and he even has a great idea for how AD might work on a small scale!
To listen to my interview with Steveo, visit the TideSmart Talk website here.
Thanks again to Steve Woods and the folks at TideSmart Talk for a great opportunity to talk about my work – you were very gracious hosts!