College students in Maine are working on perfecting the refinement of biofuel from food waste.
Or at the very least, warmth to protect you from this frigid Maine winter! The Associated Press reported yesterday that the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine has received a federal grant to convert food waste into renewable energy. The grant will buy equipment to help the students figure out how to perfect a process that is economically viable and economically sound. I say more power to them.
Biogas Energy Partners has already brought one system online that disposes of large amounts of food waste, combined with cow manure, to produce green energy and other environmentally friendly products. The system has just completed its first year in operation, with outstanding results.
But having college students look into refinements in technology is a worthwhile investment, in my opinion. As this article points out, “Food Waste Remains a Big Problem for 2013,” and continuing education and awareness efforts can only help tackling and solving this challenge.
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