As people become familiar with the renewable energy that dairy farms can produce with anaerobic digestion, more practical uses for this green energy will be found.
The Killington ski resort in Vermont is likely the first ski area in the world to use cow power to bring skiers to the top of the mountain, according to Green Mountain Power, the utility company to whom Vermont dairy farmers sell the green energy they produce. There are now 13 Vermont farms that produce power for Green Mountain Power. Check out this great story by New England Cable News, who also aired a story on our project earlier this year.
In Maine, Exeter Agri-Energy is the only company producing green energy at a dairy farm, with the anaerobic digestion system it built last year at Stonyvale Farm. But media stories like this are helping to spread the word about this innovative renewable energy source. As more and more people become familiar with the idea of combining cow manure and food waste to produce electricity and heat, the growth curve in this industry will just keep going up.