Hard to believe today, but before this television ad began to run in 1970, it was quite common for Americans to literally throw garbage and litter out the window of a moving automobile. In the 40’s and 50’s, print ads for soft drinks and beer used to boast, “DRINK RIGHT FROM THE CAN: NO EMPTIES TO RETURN,” actually selling, as a big plus, the ability to throw away the empty containers into the natural environment.
And then this TV spot, widely known as the ‘Crying Indian’ ad, began to air, launching one of the most successful PSA campaigns in history. The modern environmental movement was born, and today bottle laws and clean environment laws enjoy strong popular support.
The Natural Resources Defense Council has just published a new study about food waste, which getting a lot of attention in the media and on the internet.
Two months ago I predicted that new environmental laws to control food waste are on the way. Then just last month, the Natural Resources Defense Council published this brand new study, How America Is Losing Up to 40 Percent Of Its Food from Farm to Fork to Landfill. Its publication has resulted in a blizzard of media coverage about the shocking statistics contained in the study, and the completely unnecessary practice of burying food waste in landfills.
It may not be as popular or as emotional as the ‘Crying Indian’ ad, but I do think its publication is a landmark moment in public awareness. Just today, I received an e-mail from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, alerting me to the study. I repeat what I wrote two months ago: new environmental laws on food waste are on the way.
This is such an anachronism it’s almost funny: a magazine ad implying that the two fishing buddies can just throw the cans into the lake!