Adam Wintle is the managing partner at Biogas Energy Partners. He is an expert in the complex world of proposing, financing & permitting of anaerobic digestion systems, an increasingly viable solution for keeping food waste out of landfills.
Most American taxpayers shell out anywhere from $50 to $200 a ton to have their city or town needlessly bury food waste in landfills. Where it just sits, emitting pollutants into the atmosphere, taking up valuable space, and speeding up the timeline for having to build even more landfills.
In fact, a shocking EPA statistic indicates that food waste is the #1 component of the municipal waste stream, comprising 14% of the waste headed to landfills and incinerators. The United States threw away 33 million tons of food waste just in 2010. That’s great news for the trucking companies and landfill operators, bad news for the average taxpayer.
Read “Basic Information about Food Waste,” a helpful eye-opener provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Both from an environmental standpoint and an economic standpoint, we cannot continue along the same path indefinitely.